Monday 25 August 2014

Before I Met You

Notes: I asked my muse to help me write something that would bring tears. She did, just not in the way I thought I meant... The music fits as well (May the wolves that prowl the night not find us, hidden by Your gentle gaze)

Before I Met You
I was never this lonely
Before I met you
Lost in a world of my own
No one else mattered
Just me
Then you came along
A star shining deeply in the darkest night
And suddenly I knew
I wasn't alone
I wasn't meant to be alone
Then you weren't there any more

I was never this scared
Before I met you
Nothing to lose
No consequence
It all meant nothing at all
Win or lose
No matter
Then you came along
Showing the value of everything
And suddenly I knew
I had worth
I had value
It all meant something
Then you weren't there any more

I was never this open
Before I met you
I kept myself locked away
From everyone
From my own feelings
Safe and secure
Then you came along
Unlocking every sealed door
And suddenly I knew
I could feel
I could cry
I could share
I could be
Then you weren't there any more

I was never this strong
Before I met you
I could pretend to everyone
I was hard and thought I was tough
Then you came along
Quietly showing me what strong means
And suddenly I knew
I didn't need to be hard
I could be strong
I would b e strong
I turned to show you
Then you weren't there any more

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