Thursday 1 January 2015

Remember Me?

I walked along a lonely path one eve
Soon after Christmas Day
Nodded to a lady fair
When I heard her say

"Stop sir. please stop and see
Please dear sir, do you remember me?"

I paused in my step for but a moment
Certain in myself I had not met this girl
When I looked up to tell her so
There was nothing but dust in a swirl

I walked along the path once more
The very next night
When a voice spoke from deep in the shadows
Giving me a fright

"Stop sir, please stop and see
Please dear sir, do you remember me?"

I tried to see her face, but struck
Blind I was for moment short
There was no chance, for gone she was
Before her visage caught

I returned then to my home
And thought both hard and long
Sitting silent at my desk
Until dawn was greeted in song

She did not appear to me that night
Though long and far did I wander
Until exhausted, I did seek my bed
To think, question, wonder

I walked my path late that eve
Saw here standing there
Silent as I approached in night so still
Spectral breeze shaping her hair

"Stop sir, please stop and see
Please dear sir, do you remember me?"

My response this night was simple and quick
As I answered with her name
She smiled and stood still then
Replied with the same

I spoke then from the heart
The words but a start

"I do not need to remember you
For know this to be true

You have never been forgotten
Memory each day unbroken

For you remain my love, my care
Wherever you may roam, far or near"

With these words came tears unbidden
With pale hand were they wiped away
The last touch of my distant love
Before she turned and was on here way
To freedom

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