Wednesday 10 September 2014


When we drown
We don't scream and shout
We don't wave our hands in the air
It is much more quiet
As we slowly slip away
Into the deep
Not moving

When we lose hope
We don't scream and shout
We don't yell it from the rooftops
It is much more quiet
As we slowly give up
Abandon hope
Any chance of a change

When we give in to despair
We don't scream and shout
We don't let our feelings out
It is much more quiet
It all seems so simple
It is just so clear now
There is no path forward
We are falling

What hope is there for those who drown?
What chance for those without hope?
What life for those who despair?
Those who are falling

Some battles must be fought alone
For pride or reason or love
But when we are drowning
We cannot fight alone
We must reach out
With faith
As we are falling

Faith that a hand will reach back
Grasp us
And help us from the deeps
Pull us to the surface
Give us love
Give us hope
Give us life
So we are no longer

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